Gynecology FAQ’s

When should I schedule my first prenatal visit?

If you’ve tested positive with a home pregnancy test, give us a call. We will schedule an appointment for you approximately eight weeks from your last menstrual period.

What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

During pregnancy you should avoid fish that contains Mercury (including swordfish, tile fish, mackerel and shark). Also avoid saccharine, alcohol, deli meats, unpasteurized cheeses, and meat, poultry and fish that have been under-cooked.

Is it safe to exercise when I’m pregnant?

It is safe to exercise in moderation during pregnancy, unless your obstetrician advises against it. Some exercises can help with childbirth

Is it safe to travel when I’m pregnant?

It is usually safe to travel by airplane up to 35 weeks into your pregnancy. If you need to travel after 35 weeks, check with your physician. To reduce your chances of getting a blood clot during a flight, get up to stretch your legs several times.

What medications can I safely take when I am pregnant?

Prenatal vitamins, which are now available without a prescription, are safe to take during pregnancy. For any other medications, vitamins, herbal remedies or supplements, check with your physician.